Monday, February 21, 2011

Aloha Canada!!!

Ariez, a small paper version of a student from Aikahi Elementary School in Hawaii recently made a visit to Brampton. A class from the school is participating in The Flat Stanley Project. The Flat Stanley Project grew out of a classic children's book by the same name, written by Jeff Brown. In the story, Stanley, a regular boy, is squashed flat by a falling bulletin board. On the bright side, he discovers that his parents can slip him into an envelope and mail him to visit friends in faraway places. In real life, students in thousands of classrooms around the world participate in the Flat Stanley Project. There are many versions of the project, however the main theme is that students create a ‘flat Stanley’, either a copy of the boy from the book or make paper versions of themselves, and are sent all over the world where their adventures are recorded and sent back to the student to learn about different cultures. During Ariez’s stop in Brampton, she was able to watch a Canadian Women’s Hockey League game when the Brampton HC hosted the Montreal HC on February 20th. Ariez was not only able to experience elite women’s hockey, but was greeted by Brampton HC’s Jayna Hefford and Gillian Apps who were happy to show her their Olympic Gold Medals.

Provided by Shelby Baker

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